14 September, 2006

Little Illnesses

Bonus Boy (age 2) started running a very low fever yesterday after his nap. He wasn't acting sick, except for turning his nose up at snack. Tylenol got things under control, but then he had a kind of a rough night, and that almost never happens. He still had the little fever this morning, which caused us to cancel the playdate with Gift Girl's (age 4) best friend. Not only did I feel bad for her, but I felt bad for me b/c her friend's mom is probably my Best Mom Friend. We worship at the same church. The girls' birthdays are only a month apart, and they've been playing together longer than they can remember. We've been through nursing, walking, toilet training, sleep problems, and preschool challenges together. I've really come to rely on our weekly get togethers. I kind of resented canceling when he wasn't that sick. Oh well, there's always next week.

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